

Windfarm Management

Customer demands are driving changes in the way wind farm operators manage their turbine fleets. New wind turbines generate massive amounts of data daily. With different generations of turbines or multiple turbine vendors, it can be difficult to reach a centralized view of the entire fleet. This limited visibility makes it even more difficult to rein in operations and maintenance costs—which account for about one-third of total turbine fleet ownership costs on average.

Solution Overview

Customer demands are driving changes in the way wind farm operators manage their turbine fleets. New wind turbines generate massive amounts of data daily. With different generations of turbines or multiple turbine vendors, it can be difficult to reach a centralized view of the entire fleet. This limited visibility makes it even more difficult to rein in operations and maintenance costs—which account for about one-third of total turbine fleet ownership costs on average.

Using edge computing, Software AG’s Cumulocity IoT windfarm management solution collects data at each site, where it can be acted on locally, filtered, and sent to a central instance of Cumulocity IoT to give operators performance data and insights across their entire fleet.

Solution Benefits

  • Improve real-time monitoring for generation and equipment performance
  • Filter massive amounts of data locally for real-time insights
  • Gain predictive maintenance insights
  • Consolidate monitoring for an entire fleet across multiple sites
  • Customize reports and views â–ª Integrate easily with other enterprise systems